Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I am getting so excited about the fact that I will be meeting my little princess in just a few short weeks. The last time I spoke to my doctor he said if everything continues going well and if I do not have her on my own by the end of the month he could induce me around the 4th. When I saw him last I was 50% effaced and a finger tip dilated- that was at 35 1/2 weeks. I will see him again tomorrow to see if there has been any progress and find out Taylor's weight. I would really like to be at least 75% effaced and at least a couple centimeters dilated before being induced. But overall I am content with where I am at this point in the pregnancy and for the first time the wait doesn't seem so bad- I guess the light is shining ever so bright at the end of the tunnel these days. I go on vacation this Friday and I would be fine if she decides to wait a couple weeks before making her big appearance because it would give me a chance to get some last minute things done-like some deep cleaning,laundry, organizing and try to take advantage of getting some extra rest before she gets here, not that sleeping is a big success these days anyway between being uncomfortable and constant trips to the rest room but I still enjoy trying =). It's weird because all this time I've felt like things couldn't go fast enough but now it's like things are speeding up and I find myself wondering where the time went. I can even begin to express my excitement -if anyone knows me at all they know how much I absolutely love children and the fact that I will be having my own, that I will have my own in just a few short weeks is almost overwhelming, I still can't believe it. I can't wait!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Things are about to change as we know them.

I'm finally nearing the end of the pregnancy. At this point all I can eat, sleep and think about is "get this baby out of me=)"! I just can't wait to see Taylor and be a mom. Not too much longer now. Although it will be strange to think of myself as a mother and the fact that I have a child. But I look forward to the road ahead. It still seems a little unreal at this point but I am sure once I hold Taylor for the 1st time reality will set in. It seems like time moves so quickly sometimes. It's crazy to think how much has changed since I 1st meet danny. I was dating danny, getting engaged, getting married, and starting a new life together. Now Danny is done with school focusing on his career and I'm pregnant about to have our 1st child. It's so crazy to see how many changes have taken place since I first meet Danny almost 6 years ago. It seems life is constantly changing. Well I see my Doc today =)! I'll post an update about how things went later!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Almost 35 weeks =)!! A lot of Random updates.

I am almost 35 weeks, so in just a few short weeks I will finally get to meet Taylor =). Just saying that makes me smile. I've started to get quit nervous about the whole birthing experience. Danny and I took some birthing classes and I can honestly say I think that just made me more nervous. As a matter of fact when they got to part of our class that actually showed women in labor I had to leave early because I felt like I was going to hyperventilate. I guess I'm just one of those people that is better left to just experience it for myself with little knowledge of what exactly I'm in store for. At this point I try not to think about it too much because the more I think about it the more nervous I get. I would consider myself a fairly strong person but at the same time I can be such a chicken. I guess that's when I just have to remind myself that God is in complete control and not to mention 100's of 1000's of women have survived labor.

Taylor's room is pretty much ready for her and I love how it turned out. I actually impressed myself this past weekend because I made her curtains, tie backs and valance and they actually turned out quit well and match the room perfect! I will try to post pictures of her room shortly.

At this point sleeping is starting to become more and more difficult thanks to my big 'ole tummy, and if it's not discomfort it's the constant need to got to the bathroom that keeps me up. Not to mention lately I've been taking forever to fall asleep it's like my mind won't stop racing and then when I wake up to go to the bathroom it's takes me forever to fall asleep again. The other day I woke up at 4am and didn't even feel like trying to fall back asleep so I just did some laundry and watched TV till I had to get ready for work. I guess that's God's way of getting me ready for some sleepless nights in the near future.

I've had a couple doctor's appointments since I updated last, two weeks ago I was told Taylor was almost 51/2 pounds and in the 75% -what a chunker. Also my doctor said that she is practicing breathing and if I went into labor or something happened where they had to take her early there is nothing that doesn't point to a happy healthy baby girl! Which is relief!! I've started seeing my doctor weekly, and started getting ultra sounds weekly so over all she is doing great and growing and we can't wait till she's here!

I know it's probably way too early but I've already packed Taylor's diaper bag and hospital bag. It was so much fun getting her all ready. It got me so excited as if I needed any help. The other day I had Danny put her stroller together and I probably looked like a crazy person because I put her car seat in it and strolled around the house pretending Taylor was inside and I felt out of my mind until the next day Danny started doing the same thing. I think new baby stuff does that to a person, you can't really just put it together without acting out the part.