Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I am getting so excited about the fact that I will be meeting my little princess in just a few short weeks. The last time I spoke to my doctor he said if everything continues going well and if I do not have her on my own by the end of the month he could induce me around the 4th. When I saw him last I was 50% effaced and a finger tip dilated- that was at 35 1/2 weeks. I will see him again tomorrow to see if there has been any progress and find out Taylor's weight. I would really like to be at least 75% effaced and at least a couple centimeters dilated before being induced. But overall I am content with where I am at this point in the pregnancy and for the first time the wait doesn't seem so bad- I guess the light is shining ever so bright at the end of the tunnel these days. I go on vacation this Friday and I would be fine if she decides to wait a couple weeks before making her big appearance because it would give me a chance to get some last minute things done-like some deep cleaning,laundry, organizing and try to take advantage of getting some extra rest before she gets here, not that sleeping is a big success these days anyway between being uncomfortable and constant trips to the rest room but I still enjoy trying =). It's weird because all this time I've felt like things couldn't go fast enough but now it's like things are speeding up and I find myself wondering where the time went. I can even begin to express my excitement -if anyone knows me at all they know how much I absolutely love children and the fact that I will be having my own, that I will have my own in just a few short weeks is almost overwhelming, I still can't believe it. I can't wait!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Things are about to change as we know them.

I'm finally nearing the end of the pregnancy. At this point all I can eat, sleep and think about is "get this baby out of me=)"! I just can't wait to see Taylor and be a mom. Not too much longer now. Although it will be strange to think of myself as a mother and the fact that I have a child. But I look forward to the road ahead. It still seems a little unreal at this point but I am sure once I hold Taylor for the 1st time reality will set in. It seems like time moves so quickly sometimes. It's crazy to think how much has changed since I 1st meet danny. I was dating danny, getting engaged, getting married, and starting a new life together. Now Danny is done with school focusing on his career and I'm pregnant about to have our 1st child. It's so crazy to see how many changes have taken place since I first meet Danny almost 6 years ago. It seems life is constantly changing. Well I see my Doc today =)! I'll post an update about how things went later!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Almost 35 weeks =)!! A lot of Random updates.

I am almost 35 weeks, so in just a few short weeks I will finally get to meet Taylor =). Just saying that makes me smile. I've started to get quit nervous about the whole birthing experience. Danny and I took some birthing classes and I can honestly say I think that just made me more nervous. As a matter of fact when they got to part of our class that actually showed women in labor I had to leave early because I felt like I was going to hyperventilate. I guess I'm just one of those people that is better left to just experience it for myself with little knowledge of what exactly I'm in store for. At this point I try not to think about it too much because the more I think about it the more nervous I get. I would consider myself a fairly strong person but at the same time I can be such a chicken. I guess that's when I just have to remind myself that God is in complete control and not to mention 100's of 1000's of women have survived labor.

Taylor's room is pretty much ready for her and I love how it turned out. I actually impressed myself this past weekend because I made her curtains, tie backs and valance and they actually turned out quit well and match the room perfect! I will try to post pictures of her room shortly.

At this point sleeping is starting to become more and more difficult thanks to my big 'ole tummy, and if it's not discomfort it's the constant need to got to the bathroom that keeps me up. Not to mention lately I've been taking forever to fall asleep it's like my mind won't stop racing and then when I wake up to go to the bathroom it's takes me forever to fall asleep again. The other day I woke up at 4am and didn't even feel like trying to fall back asleep so I just did some laundry and watched TV till I had to get ready for work. I guess that's God's way of getting me ready for some sleepless nights in the near future.

I've had a couple doctor's appointments since I updated last, two weeks ago I was told Taylor was almost 51/2 pounds and in the 75% -what a chunker. Also my doctor said that she is practicing breathing and if I went into labor or something happened where they had to take her early there is nothing that doesn't point to a happy healthy baby girl! Which is relief!! I've started seeing my doctor weekly, and started getting ultra sounds weekly so over all she is doing great and growing and we can't wait till she's here!

I know it's probably way too early but I've already packed Taylor's diaper bag and hospital bag. It was so much fun getting her all ready. It got me so excited as if I needed any help. The other day I had Danny put her stroller together and I probably looked like a crazy person because I put her car seat in it and strolled around the house pretending Taylor was inside and I felt out of my mind until the next day Danny started doing the same thing. I think new baby stuff does that to a person, you can't really just put it together without acting out the part.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Taylor's Cousin is finally here !!

I was a mess all day Tuesday because I had to be stuck at work. All I wanted was to get in my car and wait at the hospital till Isaak's arrival, instead I called Amick or anyone at the hospital that would pick up the phone to keep me clued in on any and all updates. Finally 5 o'clock came and Danny and I went straight to the hospital. Around 9 pm we heard that Christy was almost 10cm and would begin pushing soon. We all waited outside her room with great anticipation.

I will never forget the relief, excitement, anticipation and pure joy I felt when I saw them take that beautiful baby from Christy's room to the room next door where they cleaned him up and weighed him. The sound of his first cry was so over whelming! My eyes quickly filled with tears of joy. I looked at Danny who was making sure to capture everything he could on video and noticed a glazed looked over his eyes we were both so amazed by the miracle that we had just witnessed. Isaak was perfect! I will never forget that moment. Praise Jesus for life, praise Jesus for Amick,Christy and their beautiful new son Isaak!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

She has hair ?!?!?! 29weeks 4days!

Yes according to the girl that did my ultrasound yesterday our little monkey has a good bit of hair on her little head...how neat is that! I'm hoping it will be enough for me to put a little clip or bow in - so she won't be confused with being a boy. I can't wait, anytime I find out something new it just peaks my curiosity about what she looks like a little more. I have a strong feeling that her hair will be dark like her daddy's but we'll see.

This weekend we are headed to Ocala for a baby shower our family has planned for us. I am so excited, it will be my first baby shower and I can't wait! I have no idea what to expect because they have kept a pretty tight lid on most of the details but I do know that just for that fact that family will be there it's going to be great! I just hope that taking a couple Tylenol pm will help me pass out on the long trip down there so I won't be so uncomfortable. Sitting for 6 hours in a car when your almost 8 mths pregnant is never enjoyable but it will be we'll worth it and I can't wait!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

3rd Trimester!!! YAY!

About Taylor:
I went to the scan lab and they said that Taylor weighs 2pounds and 11 ounces =) she's only 5 ounces from be a 3 pounder =) I have my next ultrasound with my doctor on the 29th so I could almost bet before the months up she'll be over 3 pounds. I'm so proud of her she's doing so good. Anyway they said that I am lining up perfect with how far a long I am. She has really started to pack a punch these days. When I went to the scan lab last night she was kicking so hard that she would kick the person scanning right off the spot they were trying to scan …it was pretty funny. I don't think she likes being bother too much because she was moving and kicking up a storm the whole time, I think we wore her out because about 10 mins after we left she must have feel asleep because I didn't feel any movement for at least a couple hours after the appointment. I guess she can feel them pushing in my tummy while scanning and she either doesn't like it or she loves it and thinks it's play time…who knows I just know she kicks harder and moves more.
About me:
Nothing too new and exciting other then the fact that I am getting so dang fat, it's slightly depressing but I keep reminding myself it all for a good cause and I try not to compare myself to other pregnant ppl who aren't looking quit as plump =). I am just hoping that breast feeding, caring for new born, not getting nauseous the sec I get a little hungry will all some how work in my favor after the baby is born…in the mean time I remind myself that I've lost weight before and I can do it again. Now that the weather has cooled down a little I hope to find the energy to at least walk a few times a week (a little late in the game I know) which I'm sure isn't going to work any miracles but it has to be better then nothing. Well I guess that's enough about me getting fat for now=)!
What we've been up to:
Danny and I have been hard at work, working a number of different projects which are all finally starting to show and come together. We have now successfully completely remodeled the bathrooms, we have repainted nearly the whole house, put up new base boards, started working on the nursery, and almost finished the guest bedroom. We still have a ton to get done before little Taylor is here but I am determined before she arrives this house will be our home and each room will have a purpose and not one room in the house will go untouched =)….I guess some might call this the nesting phase but I think I took nesting to a whole new level. It has been a lot of work and even a lot of stress but now it's being come more apparent as things are starting to come together that it was more then worth it!
Thoughts lately:
I have been having a lot of dreams lately. I think the fact that Taylor's arrival is getting closer and closer becomes more of a reality everyday. I just can't even begin to imagine what it will be like to have a child, a daughter, and what it will be like being a mother, becoming a family? All these thoughts are constantly floating around in my head. One night I was thinking what it would be like the first time I saw her and I can't even begin to rap my mind around it. I love hearing Danny talk about his views of being a father and how he plans to take care of me and Taylor while I'm worn out after delivery. He begin acting out the situation, "come on Tata let's let mommy gets some sleep =)"…he had me cracking up. We both realize things are never how you plan them to be and things are often not the way you expected them to be but it's still fun guessing and talking about it. I have no real expectations, I plan to just take everything one day at a time. I do know that life as we now know it will never be the same…and I believe that this change holds more positives then negatives. So all that to say, we're not exactly sure what we're in store for but I know it's an adventure that we are both thrilled to experience together as a couple, and thankful that God has granted us this amazing gift!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Appt 10/01/08 Taylor is doing great!!!

I had my appointment yesterday and she is doing great and right on track! She is in the 40th% with her weight so that's great. She weighs 1 pound 10 ounces so she's still a little bitty thing but getting bigger by the day. I am measuring right on track. I now start going every 2 weeks so that they can begin to monitor her even closer to make sure she continue to progress at a normal rate and checking a whole list of things to make sure that the placenta and cord continues to function properly. I feel such relief just knowing she's in good hands.

SIDE NOTE: It's so weird, because unlike most pregnant women I have had to try hard to enjoy this long "waiting period" called pregnancy. Which I decided could be due to a number of things:I can be slightly impatient, I've wanted a baby for so...long, I've had baby fever since 3rd grade =), I've spent a lot of this pregnancy sick ex. ex BUT I will say that being able to feel her move has made this waiting process so.... much easier. Although it's a little bitter sweet because it's a constant reminder that there is a baby in my belly, a baby that now has toes, lips, fingers everything but I don't get to love on her, see her, cuddle her NOTHING so for now I guess I just have to enjoy her kicking me =).

For me it's kinda like knowing your finally getting this amazing gift exactly what you've wanted for so long, it's dangling right in front of your face but you can't touch it or see it. SO close but so far BUT I have to wait all year till Christmas before I can open it. Man, I can't wait till Christmas=). I'm a dork!

Well not much more to say other than I can't wait to mommy, I can't wait to hold Taylor in my arms and thank God I have a ton of stuff I still have to do to take my mind off of the "waiting period" some might call pregnancy =)!!

I love you Taylor!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Appt on 09/03/08, Taylor update!!

I had my appointment on Wednesday, they did another detailed ultrasound to make sure Taylor is not being effected by having a 2 vessel chord. Everything looked good she plumped up to a whole pound =) which means she more then doubled in weight since last months appointment. My doctor said that anatomically she looks great!! Apparently sometimes in this situation they refer you to a high risk doctor but because they could not detect any other abnormalities I get to stay with my doctor. The only thing different from me and any other patient is I'll be getting an ultrasound at every appointment to make sure her growth and development is still progressing at a normal rate! You won't see me complaining about that, I love getting to see her every time!

Also, I have started to feel Taylor so much!! I love it, it still makes my heart jump a little but it's so neat , it's a constant reminder that there is definitely a little life inside me as if a big belly shouldn't be enough of a reminder =). I can't wait till her kick packs enough of a punch for Danny to feel it too =).

Friday, August 22, 2008

The 50-yard line!

I am past the 50 yard line!!! Even though I have finally started to be able to enjoy this pregnancy a little I am still so... happy that I am more then half way through this pregnancy. i just can't help but look forward to the moment I am being driven to the hospital and the feeling of excitement that I will be experiencing knowing in a short while I will finally hold my little girl for the first time. I can't wait to go get our 1st family pictures, I can't wait to see the look on Danny's face when he holds her for the first time, I can't wait to see what she looks like, and i can't wait to be a mom. So yes while pregnancy has it little joys here and there, there is no greater joy in mind then the end result =)! Not too much longer now!!

I no longer throw up every morning and I've even notice this week that my nausea after eating has gotten a little better!! I went to the scan lab last Monday night and they said that Taylor was around 10 ounces-which is awesome since not even two weeks ago she was 6 ounces. If she keeps up the good work she may even double her weight this month. I am worried that her mom might double her weight this month too. I must say that I have definitely noticed an increase in my appetite this last month. I am REALLY nervous that this next appointments weigh-in. I have a feeling I won't be as lucky as my last weigh-in to hear I only gained two pounds. Well we'll see, maybe I will be pleasantly surprised-yeah right!

Also, I have started to feeling my little angel move!! I was so looking forward to that, it's not a lot but I'm sure the bigger she gets the more I will feel her.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Taylor Update! Appt on 08/06/08. 6ounces@17weeks4days

I had my anatomy appointment where they do a very detailed ultrasound to make sure everything looks good. Over all my little Taylor passed with flying colors. The only thing they noticed was that she has a umbilical chord disorder called SUA (single umbilical artery). Which basically means normally when an umbilical cord develops, it forms three vessels: two arteries and one vein, while little Taylor's only has formed two vessels: one vein and one artery. The most common problem is low birth weight and early delivery. So on the bright side this means that almost every time I go to the doctor I will get an ultrasound scan in order to make sure that Taylor is getting enough of what she needs from her umbilical cord to grow into a healthly little baby and growing at a normal rate...this is usually not an issue until towards the last month of pregnancy when the baby starts needing more food and nutrients. But all that to say I have complete faith that Taylor will be a healthy little baby and according to my doctor she looks completely healthy and she is in the 32%. So keep up the good work little one because mama loves you so... much and prays for you everyday! I can't wait to see you and hold you in my arms!

A side note: Almost every time I get an ultrasound Taylor is sleeping and wants us to leave her alone but on Wednesday we must have caught her during play time because she was kicking, moving her arms, turning, rolling, opening her mouth and I could honestly say it looked like she was waving a couple times it was so...neat to see her moving around like =).

Random side note: Ok so all this time I thought I wanted to go with pink and brown for my nursery colors but I can't find any bedding that I like in those colors, so I've started looking and the more I look the further from pink I move....so we'll see where I end up =). I've seen a lot of cute stuff and I think Danny likes the idea of not going pink too =). I mean if we could find a cute bedding that had pink,brown and a third color to spice it up a bit that would be neat but who knows, weird how your opinion changes when you actually start looking around. I have like 3 that I really like so who knows!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

We're having a little girl!

Wednesday 07/31/08 Danny and I found out that we are having a little girl =). We both had a feeling that it was a girl but it was neat to finally know for sure. When we got to the appointment I had no idea what to expect, I just kept getting so nervous that they would tell me they couldn't tell. Shortly after the ultrasound tech. started looking at the baby she said I think I know what it is BUT I'm not going to say until I can get confirmation, and before she would say she wanted to give some of the students a chance to practice scanning....I was thinking NO...WAIT...PLEASE, I can't handle this. She let a few of the students go and finally came back to see if the baby had uncrossed it's legs so she could get a clear shot and finally after what seemed like forever she said,"It's a girl!". I was so thrilled to finally know!! We're going to have a little girl!! How wonderful, I honestly didn't care either way- to me it was a win-win! But how fun will a little girl be, she'll be my little princess and daddy's little girl =). We already had agreed that Taylor Lynn would be our girl name as for the boy name we couldn't agree at all, so thankfully we have more time to come up with something we both like. Poor Taylor was so tired of being messed with after about 45mins she turned over, got in a ball and covered her face, so we couldn't look at her beautiful profile-she made it clear she had had enough! Right after the appointment we went and bought some PINK stuff in honor of our little girl! So now we have a good 5months to get ready for Taylor Lynn Raney. Let the fun begin!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ok, I'm seroiously freakin out =) !?!?!?!?! 7 days and counting!!!

Ok, so I can remember making the appointment to find out what I'm having and it seemed SO FAR AWAY! I had over 6 long weeks to wait, now I have 7 days and it's starting to hit me that very soon I will be able to know if my baby is a little boy or a little girl-THAT'S HUGE!!. I am so excited to finally know, I feel like it's an opportunity to get to know so much about my little one and become more connected. I can start looking at clothes, decorations, possibly call my little one by it's name, besides who wants to be called "it" for 9 months anyway? I hope the next few days go quickly because I can hardly stand the anticipation. Most of the time my instincts say it's a girl but then sometimes I want to say it's a little boy- I don't care either way I'd like one if each =) it's just fun to guess and see if you were right! SO we'll see-not too much longer! My mom and sister are coming down for the occasion, I can't wait to see my mom's face when we find out. It's gonna be great! SO THE COUNT DOWN IS ON!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Update on how I feel at 14weeks and 5 days

Just a little update on how I've been feeling lately. I feel better then I did at 8 weeks, but that's not saying much considering throwing up was something I did on a daily basis. Now my nausea is just completely random. I can feel fine one day and be throwing up the next for no rhyme or reason. I still have to take Zofran(nausea and vomiting medicine) religiously every 5 hours or else I will find myself over the toilet, and sometimes Zofran can't even rescue me from worshiping the porcelain goddess. For the most part everyday is like a roller coaster - I could feel good in the morning and feel bad in the evening or just the opposite. I could feel fine one day then spill my beans the next. I wish I could say I feel great and I'm back to normal but I'd be lying. I still hate the thought of food and struggle with keeping what I eat down. I still think there is hope for me to get over my dependence on Zofran to make it through the day, but if I'm sick through out the whole pregnancy then I am sick through out the whole pregnancy and luckily for me pregnancy doesn't last forever and I end up with something amazing to show for it. I hear this a lot, "but you feel better then you did...right?" Well, yes- I no longer feel like I'm dying=), do I feel anywhere like normal or even good? Most of the time no. Now I know what your thinking, I sound so negative and I should be enjoying the "sweet joys" of pregnancy. What I have to say in return, if you consider spending most days throwing up and feeling sick a "sweet joy" then good for you. My "sweet joy" will be when they place my little one in my arms for the first time. Now I know what they mean when they say everyone's pregnancy is deferent. So, can I say pregnancy thus far for me has been enjoyable, honestly not really. Does that take away my excitement for the life that lies within me- not one bit! Do I still feel completely blessed and thankful-absolutely. Would I do this all over again-you bet! =)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Appointment 7-9-08

I went to my 3rd Doctor's appointment on Wednesday, it was wonderful. Danny was able to come with me and they did an ultrasound our little baby was sitting Indian Style and the cutest thing of all was the baby had hick-ups =)! I could have sat there for hours just watching it. It was so neat, this was the first time I got to see the baby since it actually looked like a baby. It was so exciting, now I really can't wait to find out if the baby I saw was a little boy or a little girl.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Heart Beat's...

I went over to my sister-in-laws (Christy) house last night and she has this awesome little toy that lets you hear the baby's heart beat in the privacy of your own home. We tried a couple weeks ago and had no luck because the baby's heart beat was still too soft to be detected. BUT last night we tried again and guess what we heard my little baby's heart just beating away. It was so.... cool. But my brother-in-law(Amick) was trying to convince me that I'm having a boy based on the heart beats- because boys heart beats are normally slower and girls are faster- but my baby's heart was kinda in between so it's trying to be tricky.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Pink or Blue..... We find out July 30th!!!!! Can't Wait!!

Pink or Blue ...... Ok so I am doing a little study to see if you can instinctively know what your baby is going be :) (I know I'm retarded)...every since my first ultrasound I just had the strangest feeling that it was a girl....so we'll see!

I haven't prayed for a boy or a girl because I want God to give Danny and I exactly what we need but I'm telling ya I have a feeling!! But then again it could just be the hormones talking because Danny swears it's a boy but that could just be his ego talking :).

Week 11 : Still Draggin'...

Near the beginning of my pregnancy I signed up to be member of What-to-expect. They basically just send you emails along the way kind of explaining where you might be that point in the pregnancy. Each week I find them oddly encouraging.

Most of the time they are right on target when it comes to how I'm feeling. This weeks title was, "Still Draggin'?". I really like that they send these because it reminds me that the way I feel is normal -not for the average person, but normal for the average "pregnant person".

Hopefully if What-to-expect knows what they're talking about this wonderful stage of vomiting and nausea will be ending soon!! And let me tell when it does I will have a whole new out look on life :) ! It's nice to know that all this feeling bad is for a good cause.

Read the email that brought me encouragement.....

Are your two favorite positions these days sitting and lying down? Not surprising. Your pregnant body works harder at rest than your nonpregnant body did on the run. That's because you're running a baby-making factory that's in business 24/7 (and since you're the only employee, you're on the clock around the clock). And for the next few weeks, a baby's not the only thing in production — so is the placenta, the magnificently complex mission control that will serve as your baby's life support system until delivery. The result? You feel overworked, even when you're not doing a darn thing. Your energy should pick up once the placenta's up and running and your system adjusts (as best as it can) to the hormonal changes of pregnancy — probably early in the second trimester. In the meantime, keep your blood sugar level up with frequent snacks of complex carbs and protein (cheese and crackers; nuts and dried frui! t), try a little exercise (which can actually give you an energy boost), and most of all — listen to your body. When it calls for a break, take one. :)

Ok, so aside from feeling bad some of the other changes I have noticed is:

I've started to feel my uterus

I have to pee all the time

Time for a bigger bra -thanks a lot hormones!

Carb's seem to be the only thing I can attempt to keep down

Eating out and fast food have never sounded worse

Pop sickles are my best friend

My pants still fit but it time to go buy some new tops

Every smell makes me sick :)

I could sleep for days

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Our New Chapter!! 10 weeks 4days

At this point in my pregnancy I'm still trying to cope with the constant nausea and vomiting. When I start to getting sick of being sick. I remind myself that this is such a small price to pay in the end. I can't wait to see my baby for the first time and hold him/her in my arms. I get a little emotional just thinking about it.

Danny has been so wonderful. I have been very sick since about 6 weeks, and I would be sick of me by now but he still shows such tenderness and compassion toward me. He has really been "trying" :) to help me out in the house, he's been grocery shopping for me and cooking for me and the list goes on. Anyway, he's great & I'm thankful!!

We are both so excited !! We find out the sex next month on the 30th!! YaY!! Can't wait!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

God is bigger then test, blood work, fallopian tubs and MRI's....

When Danny I decided we would start trying I assumed that once you stop preventing, shorty after you pee on stick, see that beautiful positive sign, jump up and down and tell the world your pregnant. I never imagined that trying to get pregnant could actual in tale "trying". Eventually I started to pay better attention to my body and noticed that I was not having a cycle for sometimes as long as 75 days, when a normal cycle is around 25-35 days. It wasn't long before I found myself sitting in front of a doctor wanting to know what was wrong with me and why I wasn't getting pregnant. The first appointment I made I played it off to myself like I was just going for my normal annual and if the subject came up then I would say something. Afraid that if I brought it up myself the doctor would look at me and laugh for being so paranoid, and tell me I have nothing to worry about with being so young and in the end blow me off as being nothing more then an obsessive compulsive 24 year old that decided she wanted to get pregnant and had no patience :) . SO I sat down in his office and much to my surprise my doctor was friendly, understanding and very helpful. I didn't have to bring up the subject he asked and if I was on any birth control I said no, he asked if we were trying and I let him know that we were. Later on in the conversation he said that he was a little concerned my appendix having ruptured the previous year and then the abscess that followed, that with all that activity there could be some damage to my fallopian tubs since all that activity took place close to the reproductive system. He went on to explain that he wanted to run some tests in the near future.

I remember leaving that appointment slightly discouraged and concerned. He had told me not to be concerned because there was a chance everything was fine but I couldn't help but be concerned, all I'd ever wanted was to start a family and have children. Those of you that know me know how much I adore kids and babies :). I called Danny with tears in my eyes explained what they said, he did what every good husband should do, told me everything would be OK and not worry. So now we were just waiting for my cycle so I could go in for some blood work to find out A.) why are my cycles so far apart, and B.) Are my fallopian tubs damaged?

Well, I waited and waited and waited finally I called my Doctors office it had been 71 days since my last cycle and I was starting to think it would never come. He said that he would have to induce a cycle because it appeared I wasn't ovulating. So I came in he gave me a prescription and finally on day 75 I started my cycle. I went in for my blood work and he also wanted to try a low dose of Clomid (fertility drug) to see if that would induce ovulation. Shortly after the blood work came back I got a call from my doctors office advising me that my prolactin levels were elevated ( I was like and...) and they said that now they had to schedule me for an MRI. I nearly started crying on the phone, I was like what? I asked the girl why would need an MRI, she went on to explain that Prolactin normally comes from a brain tumor. I was just in shock. I couldn't understand how I could go in for fertility problems and then find them talking about my brain?? After getting off the phone I called back to find out if I should finish the Clomid prescription with the blood results being what they are? He told me to go ahead an finish the Clomid but it would likely not work due to the high level of prolactin. My sister in law sent out emails asking people to pray that when I went to get the MRI that nothing would be there, and guess what when I got back my results they all came back normal. No tumor!! The only negative thing was that my doctor said that I would have to see a specialist at this point to become pregnant so I was back at step one .

Weeks later while Danny was out of town I decided I would pee one last pregnancy stick in my cabinet for old times sake, and much to my surprise for the first time I saw this faint little second line, I didn't let myself get two excited because the line was fairly faint but I did know I had probably peed on enough of those things to take out stock in first response and never-not once was there a second line. I called a girl-friend to explain- she she prompted me to go by two more. So I jumped in my car, ran to Walgreen's and bought 3 just to be safe :) . When I walked in the door Danny was home from being out of town for graduation. I decided not to say anything until I was sure. So, later that night I tested again, and again I saw two lines. The next morning I tested again and there was still a 2ND line. At this point was pretty sure it had to real, I was pregnant!! I didn't know how this was possible...the last I heard I wouldn't be able to get pregnant on my own with seeing a specialist??? I knew it had to be God! I called my Doctor that Monday morning and told him, he had me come in for some blood work to confirm the pregnancy and make sure everything else looked good. That night I told Danny that I wanted to give him a graduation present and go to dinner, I couldn't hold it in one more second. I actually couldn't even believe I'd managed to keep it to myself at all :). I picked up a cake on the way that said "Congrats Dad!!" At dinner I asked if I could pray real quick before out food came. At the end of my prayer I said,"And Lord please help our little baby grow strong and healthy-A-men!" Unfortunately Danny was too busy watching the cake get set out that he failed to notice the end of my prayer. Instead he just looked at the cake and said with a confused tone "Congrats Dad?" I don't get it? So I just kept smiling at him hoping he could put two and two together. Finally he was like," Are you pregnant?" I was like Yep! Poor kid was so confused he was like "How?" I was told him I really shouldn't have to explain that to you. Apparently he was just as shocked as I was, with all the bad news we had gotten the month before I think we both had just excepted that it would be awhile before we got to say or hear those words.

God is so good. Bigger then test, blood work, fallopian tubs and MRI's. :)